Race Nights
Race Nite films are a very popular way for charities to raise much need cash for their activities. They are run as a private members club draw and can be an evening of great fun and entertainment. The success of this method of fund raising is due to the way the programme is made up by getting as many people as possible to contribute a small amount such as ten pounds to buy a horse which get their name in the programme and spreading the sponsorship and advertising over many people rather than asking a few to dig deep for the charity or club. We provide a full video projection and hire service for all the necessary equipment that may be needed on these nights be it on 16mm or video along with sound reinforcement systems.
If you have not run a race night for your club or charity then we suggest you give it a try we have a full explanatory leaflet on how to set it up and run the night. Please ask for RACE NITE Brochures.
For any further informations regarding Race Nites please contact Mark - mark@gfd.ie.